Model 2100
The 2100 Balebuster is the original bale processor from Haybuster. It remains very popular due to its simplicity and versatility. Two-point mounted on the tractor with rear caster wheels to support the load of the machine and the bale. Being semi-mounted to the tractor, the 2100 is easy to maneuver. Just back into a bale, hit the hydraulics to rotate the bale into the chamber and you are good to go. Go feed, go spread mulch and go get the JOB done with the Model 2100!
Tractor Semi-Mounted, for easy maneuvering & positioning of straw.
1000 RPM drive that can throw straw up to 40 feet. It is great for erosion control.
Heavy-duty loader for easy bale loading. Just back into bale, hydraulically rotate shredder frame which loads the bale.