The Big Bite Advantage
Experience has proven, dairy cows produce more milk and beef cattle have higher daily gains when grazing short, precision cut forage. Regardless of herd size, Haybuster tub grinders have the capacity and offer the ideal length daily gains when grazing short, precision cut forage Regardless of herd size, Haybuster tub grinders have the capacity and offer the ideal length of cut to provide maximum productivity.
Haybuster’s full range of tub grinders delivers between 5 t/h -50 t/h, thanks to the “BIG BITE” hammermill.
Bales left out in the field are usually wet, moldy or dusty. Pre-chpped bales removes mold and dust, and improves palatibility. Also, eliminates selective sorting by cattle.
Feed mixers are able to mix a guranteed uniform Total Mixed Ration (TMR) when bales are Pre-chopped when using a Hyabuster tub grinder.
Hay, straw, high moisture corn, biomass or bedding, Haybuster has the solution. With sieve-screens as small as 3 mm up to 178mm, Habuster gives the producer full control of the particle size.
Sieve-screens can be changed depending on moisture content of the material and the available horsepower on the tractor’s PTO.
Built in the USA since 1966, using the highest quality steel and proven components. World wide service and parts available though our extensive network of international business partners. No matter how remote your operation, our dedicated team of professional technicians are available to assist you.
Why use a Haybuster tub grinder to Pre-chop?Feed mixers cost more to run and maintain if you don’t pre-chop forage. Haybuster tub grinders will save you money by reducing wear and tear on your feed mixer and reduce the fuel cost of running your feed mixer for 20 - 30 minutes before feeding.
Vertical mixers do not cut forage to a uniform length.
Horizontal mixers offer limited or no cutting at all.
If the operator mixes too long, the forage is often smashed and made too short and eliminates the benefits of the cows rumen lining “scratch” benefits from feeding straw/hay.
Pre-chopped forage can be measure accurately when mixed with other feed in the TMR. For example can easily handle and load 300 kg of pre-chopped hay/straw into your mixer as apposed to loading a 300 - 500 kg bale.

BIG BITE Precision Hammermill
The Big Bite heavy-duty hammermill comes standard in all Haybuster tub grinders. Running speeds of up to 2300 rpm. Depending on the application, fixed or swing hammers are available on select models. Swing hammers have four hardened working edges that can be rotated to provide a new grinding edge. Fixed hammers are used for high moisture forage and for chopping biogas material.
Case hardened rods and mill plates hold the hammers in place for a precision chop. Hammers and sieve-screens can be replaced as tub opens to a full 90˚ for easy access to the hammermill. V-belt drive system with spring tension, automatically adjusts for easy operation and maximum performance. Combined with Electronic Governot System, Haybuster delivers a Big Bite for farmers that demand maximum performance and profit.
Belly augers are suspended below the Big Bite hammermill and are sealed under the screen area. The large discharge area also provides for higher capacity and reduces the possibility for plugging.
The tub drive has contineous teeth around the tub and dual spring tensioners to keep the chain tight. Power is provided by a single hydraulic motor controlled by the electronic governor.
BIG BITE Custom Options
The heavy-duty bolt-in mill grate is designed to allow the operator the ability to change the number of mill grate bars as grinding conditions change. A geyser plate can be added to prevent product from being tossed straight up and out of the tub.
A grain hopper cab be installed over the hammermill which changes the Haybuster tub grinder to a high-capacity grain grinder. By changing to smaller sive-screens grinding grain to a fine powered or simply cracking the grain. Unlike roller mills, that are typically one used for a few weeks a year, the Haybuster tub grinders can be used year round for chopping hay, straw high moisture grain as well a biomass.
Tractor half 44.45mm (1-3/4”) - 20 spline
Tractor half 34.93 (1-3/8”) - 21 spline -
NEW Walterscheid overrunning clutch available on select models.
The H-1130 Electric tub grinder is powered by two electric motors, a 300 hp / 224 kW motor that drives the hammermill and a 10 hp / 7.5 kW motor that drives the hydraulics. A soft start panel provides for “soft” startup for the main drive. Designed for stationary applications and long run times.
• Loose hay guide
• Ear corn kit - better diets for dairy cows - an article from USDA - describes how finely ground grains/corn can offer a better diet to cows.

Haybuster offers the largest selection on sivescreens for any application. From as small as 3.18mm up to 178mm, select the sivescreen that delivers the final product that you want.
Sive-Screens can be changed depending on the type of material e.g. hay, straw, high moisture corn etc. Also, depending on the moisture content, smaller or larger sive-screens need to be used. With easy access to the sive-screens, operators can switch them and reduce down time between jobs.
Using two different sive-screens sizes, increases production while delivering the length of cut needed e.g. a 25.40mm and a 38.10mm delivers a short cut (+/- 12-14mm) and allows chopped straw to move away from the hammermill on to the conveyor, faster.
Precision Control
Haybuster now offer the NEW Wachendorf Electronic Control Governor on the H-1030 and H-1135. All other models use a GEM control box.
Tub rotation is automatically controlled using the Electronic Control Governor. When grinding tough bales the tub speed is adjusting or stopping in order to stabilize the engine load. It also controls tub direction, clockwise, stop, and counter-clockwise.
The NEW Wachendorf governor
allows contractors to track grinding hours and provide accurate records to their customers.
Indicator allow for regular service intervals based in the number of hours chopped.